Covid-19 and Real Estate Update

We have gone a few weeks now with much social distancing, self- isolation and other safety measures directed by our state and federal government.  These are serious times and all of us bear the responsibility to serve each other in as safe a way as we can!  Luckily we receive guidance on who is allowed to continue conducting business and what standards must be met in order comply with all the safety measures.

REALTORS® across the Commonwealth are pleased with the decision made by Governor Beshear to allow professional services to continue to operate during this time of business restrictions. (Section O. of Executive Order 2020-257) The services that affect the real estate industry in Kentucky besides REALTORS® themselves include but are not limited to title searches, permitting, inspections, construction, appraisals, mortgage lending and especially the transfer and recordation of ownership.

The ability to close real estate transactions and properly serve consumers includes certain requirements and deadlines. The potential impact of a business stoppage, both on the lives and finances of property owners and buyers in need of housing now, is substantial and will now be avoided since these professional services are allowed to continue.

REALTORS® are local market experts who stand ready to serve their clients and communities in this time of uncertainty. While the majority of real estate business functions can be accomplished remotely, REALTORS® are able to conduct private showings and work one-on-one with clients while closely following CDC guidelines. Information from the National Association of REALTORS® has provided the guidance they need to safely do business with the consumers of Kentucky.

Right now- the need for a home for some people is just as great as before the virus and the subsequent social restrictions.  Everyone should feel comfortable that any continuation of business in this area will be conducted with the greatest of care and adherence to the state and national standards.

THIS IS NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL! We Realtors® and affiliated services are unwavering in our support for the Governor’s order.  For our sakes and yours we will be diligent in our measures to keep all of us safe.

Again- I want to stress that if you want to wait until this passes, it is still important to stay in touch with your Realtor®, your lender, and keep on searching online for homes that will meet your needs.  The ability to communicate and gather information has never been more important!

The REALTOR® community appreciates its customers, clients and communities and are very sure that we will emerge out of these times soon and with great enthusiasm! Stay safe, and if you have a pressing need for a home- count on us to take great care in serving you.

Peggy R. Smith is the Association Executive for the Old KY Home Board of REALTORS®. The Old Kentucky Home Board of REALTORS® owns and operates the MLS for the Nelson, Washington, Marion, Larue and Hart Counties in Kentucky and is celebrating 50 years serving our local area. Member of Kentucky Association of REALTORS® and National Association of REALTORS®.

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